This website mainly helps you decide which laptop or desktop should be purchased according to your requirements and budget. This site also gives free advice on what to purchase and what not. This website gives you in-depth knowledge about the latest technologies available in the market and various softwares.
Its simple just go to the ADVICE REQUEST Form Page and fill the form there. Rest is our work. Just remember to check your E-Mail inbox after 24 Hours as you will get the Final Report and Advice there.
We provide you in-depth knowledge on the various latest technologies available in the market that are to be considered before going to the market for any computer purchase.
As market prices always change and new technology surfaces the market every other day, it is necessary on our side to do a bit research and analysis before suggesting you on anything. And many ADVICES Requests come each day. SO, as for this we require atleast 24Hours for the final report to be made. Please have Patience, we will get back to you ASAP. And mark our words you will not regret for it.
It is an Application Software for Android Mobile Phones and Tablets. Currently its in BETA phase, but will soon be a STABLE one. This app contains all the services available in the website like Advice Request Form, Contact, Donate, NEWS, Recommended Softwares, etc. Since its a BETA release this app may not work on all phones. Phones with screen resolutions of 320x240 or less will not be able to view this app properly but it may still work.
Currently this website can be properly viewed only by PC Users who are using modern browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc. This site is not properly optimized for mobile browsing. So mobile users may face problems.
Android Mobile Users can download our ANDROID APP to use the website services in their phone. But for other mobile phone users, we are sorry, we are currently working on making a perfect mobile site for our services.